Constructive reliability of biobased building materials

Building materials for load-bearing structures must meet high requirements. Before biobased materials can be applied, insight must be gained into the maintenance of the constructive reliability over a longer period of time. This can be done by exposing the materials to the elements in the open air and examining them over time. However, this would takes years. In order to obtain such aging data much faster, a climate chamber can be used to accelerate weathering infulences.

Within the framework of the so-called BRIC project (Biobased Renewable Innovative Constructions), Avans Hogeschool is conducting accelerated aging tests of the circular bio-based biocomposite profiles developed by the project partners.
After years of use in construction, these profiles can be melted into new beams and therefore have a very positive environmental footprint.
In the climate chamber, composite profiles can be exposed to a high load of UV radiation, moisture and temperature at an accelerated rate. As a result, aging damage can be reproduced in a few weeks or months, as it only occurs in the open air after months or years.

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