Innovation award nominees ‘Best CO2 Use 2024’ announced From carbon negative diamonds to CO₂-based fuels for transport

March 14, 2024 – Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) is a set of techniques that can make an important contribution to a circular carbon economy. It involves capturing carbon from flue gas or directly from the air, converting it into renewable fuels, chemicals and materials and ultimately replacing fossil carbon.

The latest developments in CCU technologies are an important part of the CO2Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024, which will take place this year from April 17 – 18 in Cologne, Germany.

Smart innovations will make an important contribution to the replacement of fossil products in industry and transport and play a crucial role in defossilising Europe.

On March 14, the CO2Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024 announced six nominees for the innovation prize ‘Best CO2 Use 2024′.

The nominees are: D-CRBN – Plasma-based CO2 Conversion (Belgie), Dioxycle – Ethylene Producing Electrolyser (Frankrijk), GIG Karasek- ECO2Cell – Pioneering Modular Syngas Production (Oostenrijk), The Sky Mining Company – Skydiamond (Groot Brittannië), Twelve – E-Jet (VS) en het RAPCOR-proces of the University of Bologna.

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