Introduction ‘OK renewable carbon’

May 29, 2024 On behalf of the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), the Nova Institute from Hürth (near Cologne) and TÜV AUSTRIA (Brussels branch) developed a certificate that shows what percentage of the carbon in the product already consists of renewable carbon (or has been replaced in the production process.) The certificate will be officially introduced during the Renewable Materials Conference, which will take place from June 11 to 13 in Siegburg near Cologne/Bonn, Germany.
Whether it concerns packaging, cars or consumer goods, textiles, sporting goods or personal care products, cosmetics or medicines – they all have one thing in common: they are made entirely or partly of carbon. However, more than 90 percent of it is still extracted from fossil sources such as crude oil, natural gas or coal – and sooner or later ends up in the atmosphere, further fuelling the climate.
The Renewable Carbon Initiative, founded in 2020, aims to develop and implement concepts and strategies to replace fossil carbon with renewable carbon from biomass, CO₂ and recycling. The ultimate goal is to defossilize the chemical and plastics industries and transform the entire sector into a renewable carbon economy. The new ‘OK renewable carbon’ certificate, which indicates the share of renewable carbon in the product, is intended to support and visualize this development.

Registration and information for the Renewable Materials Conference>

More at Nova Institute>