Novel Gray wins Sustainability Isola Design Award

Novel Gray was awarded with the Sustainability Award during the Milanese Isola Design Awards ceremony on January 23. Out of twelve categories: Furniture, Seating, Lighting, Tableware, Textile, Product, Material, Mobility, Sustainability, Digital, Outdoor, Innovation, Novel Gray received the Award for Sustainability.

Novel Gray uses geopolymers for its products, inorganic polymers, which, when activated, change into a chain of molecules with cement-like properties. Geopolymers have comparable properties to ordinary concrete, but a much lower CO2 load than cement, the main component of ordinary concrete. One kilogram of CO2 is released during the production of one kilo of cement; while this is virtually zero for geopolymers.

Geopolymers are made from local raw materials such as clay, river sludge, but also residual products from the steel industry and even from biobased residual products.

By using geopolymers, Novel Gray claims to reduce the carbon footprint of concrete by 76 percent. The tiles are cast in all kinds of shapes and are cured at room temperature, which also saves on curing energy.

Novel Gray was founded by Beton-Lab in 2022 as a label for exclusive, handmade wall tiles made of sustainable concrete. According to the designers, the wall tiles are not only distinguished by the durable material, but also by the special design and tactility.

Novel Gray>