Novel manufacturing process for high-performance lithium-metal battery

(Photo: Empa)

September 13, 2024 – The Horizon 2020 SOLiDIFY consortium, comprised of 14 European partners, has developed a high-performance lithium-metal solid-state battery. The prototype battery, manufactured in a state-of-the-art battery lab at EnergyVille, Belgium, features a ‘liquid-to-solid’ processed electrolyte, jointly developed by imec, Empa and SOLVIONIC. The battery boasts an energy density of 1070 Wh/L, well above the 800 Wh/L for current lithium-ion batteries. The manufacturing process, which is both cost-effective and adaptable to existing lithium-ion battery production lines, paves the way for commercially viable solid-state lithium-metal batteries for electromobility.

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