The new Innovative Materials 2024 volume 6 has just been released

KVK Innovation Top 100 2024

On Saturday, November 16, in Rotterdam Ahoy, the winners of the KVK Innovation Top 100 were announced by a professional jury. This year, entrepreneurs could regis ter under one of five categories: Circular Economy, Energy Transition, Labor Market & Society, Health & Care, and Food, Water & Infrastructure. Innovatieve Materialen (Innovative Materials) is a digital, independent magazine about material innovation in the fields of engineering, construction (buildings, infrastructure and industrial) and industrial design.

Sensitive ceramics Robots that can sense touch and detect temperature differences?

An unexpec ted material could soon make this a reality. Researchers at Empa’s Laboratory for High-Performance Ceramics are developing soft, intelligent sensor materials based on ceramic particles.

Betonprijs (Concrete Award) 2024

The winners of the Dutch Beton Award 2024 were announced during the Beton Event held on Thursday, November 21, at the Van Nelle Factory in Rotterdam. The awards featured six categories: Existing Construction, Civil Engineering, Sustainable Construction, Groundbreaking Construction, Utility Construction, and Residential Construction.

Dutch Design Week 2024

Every year in October, the Dutch Design Week (DDW) takes place in Eindhoven. The largest design event in Northern Europe presented the work of designers from 19 to 27 October 2024, spread across more than a hundred locations in the city. A selection of the materials on offer.

Living in a wind turbine?

Vattenfall and design studio Superuse converted a nacelle, the top part of a wind tur bine, into a tiny house. This nacelle is four metres wide, ten metres long and three metres high and comes from a turbine that stood in Austria for 20 years. With the t iny house, Vattenfall demonstrates how materials can be reused in innovative ways. The tiny house were on prominent display during Dutch Design Week from 19 to 27 October. SJP Uitgever